Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Take 2

Yesterday Callie and I headed to the Pumpkin Patch to have a picnic with some friends! We had a fantastic time playing with he pumpkins and eating yummy food. Jack, Emory and Watson played with us for two whole hours!! Thanks girls for taking such great pictures of our little picnic. Can't wait to have an excuse to have another one soon!

Callie and Jack playing with "their size" pumpkins...

Eating our lunch!

Emory "scaring" Jack with her Monster Mask. Isn't it SO scary!?

Callie having a good time!

"Eah?" Mac's way of saying- here!
Emory blowing bubbles for everyone.

So much fun! We are off to Boo at the Zoo tonight where Callie will show off her "Sheep" costume. Hilarious story to follow... :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dear Callie's Paci,

While you have been a lifesaver over the last year, it's time for you to go. You constantly fall out of our daughter's mouth during the middle of the night and this is not good. She freaks out and now wakes up about every hour, on the hour. Now we get to go through the process of breaking our daughter from her paci habit, which is very difficult for everyone. Daycare said she is doing okay, but I'm not. So, the quicker you can be a lifesaver again and hit the road, the better. Thanks for the last few months, we hope to see you again come baby #2, but until then, goodbye.

Very tired Mom and Dad

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

What a difference a year makes. We are now able to say, "Last year she was...." Well, Last year Callie was just a couple weeks old when we visited the pumpkin patch and what a difference a year makes! :) So here are a couple of really cute pictures of our trip this morning. Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

SC State Fair

After two tries Callie and I finally made it to the fair! We attempted to go Friday night, but after 45 minutes in traffic and absolutely no parking we decided it best not to go. I was so determined to make it this year after not being about to last year, we went this morning. We got there right after the gates opened (9:30am) to beat the traffic- it was also a USC game day- and get great parking. We were able to stroll right on in with no trouble and there was hardly a crowd! Rain was in the forecast so I walked Callie around all the rides so she could see it all, she was more interested in the people than the rides though. It started to drizzle so we headed into the Cattle barn area and spent the next 1 1/2 in there!! She love it! We got to see a Heifer judging contest and learned what made a good Heifer, something every 1 year old needs to know right?

After seeing who got first place we headed to see where all the cows slept and ate. She loved this one particular brown cow...
and she pointed and yelled at him continuously!

She then saw another cow and got a hoot out of him!

We then headed over to where the petting zoo was. No strollers were allowed in so we just viewed the animals from afar. Llama Llama was there, although, not in his red pajamas.

There was also an Elephant that you could ride,
thought we would skip on that one, but he's a cutie!

Next was the small livestock, meaning bunnies and birds. She pointed out each animal to me just in case I missed it. While we were inside it started to rain so we got stuck there for a little while. That being said we got stuck where all the chickens and rooster were. They must have known it was game day because each one was cocka-doodle-doodling!
Once it stopped raining we "needed" some fiske fries. I was the only one in line for them so I asked that they cook my extra crispy, and they were DELICIOUS! Callie joined in on the fair fiske fry tradition and I think she now loves them as much as I do.
We decided we needed to walk off our fries and headed into one of the buildings- this one was the Sand Castle one. It amazes me each year how they can build this thing!

Then we headed for an Elephant Ear- we were only able to eat half but saved to rest to bring home. Next up was the art and agriculture building. Callie needed to stretch her legs for a minute so she walked her stroller around. She then realized she had some left over Cheerios and thought that was better than walking... :)
It was time to leave but I have been wanting to try fried oreos for a while now and I didn't want to pass this opportunity up. Three words: They. Are. Delicious.

As we were walking to the car it started drizzling again, perfect timing! Callie barely made it out of the parking lot before she passed out.

I had a great time taking my little Mac to the fair for the first time!
Too bad daddy couldn't join us, but there is always tomorrow!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Her name is Callie

This weekend I found out that my Grandmother, who Callie is named after, doesn't like the fact that we call her "Mac" sometimes. I thought that this was extremely funny since she hasn't been called "Callie" herself for a while now. This made me think for a little bit about how we very rarely call Callie "Callie." Her nicknames are now endless, our most favorite are: Miss Mac, Macaroni, Callie Mac, Cal, etc. etc. So, if you are in front of my Grandmother, her name is Callie.

Tiger Football!

It's been two football season's since I've been to a Clemson game, and I've been patiently waiting to get up there and see the tigers play! Since we didn't have any plans this weekend I figured Callie and I could head up to Tiger Town for her very first football game. Vaughn wasn't able to come because of work, but our friends Travis and Emily came with us- thanks for driving Travis! Unfortunately the weather didn't want to cooperate and it was cold and rainy for the entire game. Callie also decided she wasn't going to nap at all that morning, so I knew we were going to have a ruff time during the game at some point, but I wasn't going to let that stop us! Callie did great for the first quarter, then had a meltdown and went to take a nap in the car with G-Kat. After a little power nap, she came back in a joined us to cheer the Tigers on to victory! She got to eat some pizza and even clapped a couple of times when she saw everyone else participating. Alex was at the game as well and it was great to see him! We are heading back up there for the FSU game in a couple of weekends. Vaughn's able to come then and we can't wait!

Callie had her little cheerleading outfit on, however, because of the weather she had to wear her coat the whole time. Oh well, she was SUPER cute in it anyway!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Callie!

What a week it's been. Exactly one week ago Callie turned the big 1. She of course went Granger style on us and celebrated it all week long. We started Tuesday morning with some graham crackers, Callie's fav, and then headed to the doctor's for our one year visit. I felt like a terrible mother taking her child to the doctor on her birthday- and having to get shots on top of it. But I told myself I'm giving her the gift of health, right?! I still cried as much as she did getting the shots, it's just not right having to pin your child down!! I'm happy to report thought that Vaughn and I have a healthy happy child who weights 23lbs (80%) and is 31"tall (off the charts!). That night we headed to The Pizza Joint for dinner with my folks. Callie was gifted with lots of new clothes for the fall and next summer- YAY! After all the excitement of the day, she was exhausted and Vaughn and I didn't even get to give Mac her gifts until later, which ended up being Sunday. She didn't seem to mind, because she still seemed excited to open them then. :)

Her new refrigerator cooking mixer "thing"

New bath toys and DVDs!
Thursday was Granddaddy's (Mr. Granger's) birthday, so we headed to the Palmetto Club for a family dinner. She immediately went for the remote control, he favorite item on our coffee table. Granddaddy didn't mind one bit, anything for his grand baby!
Callie was a hit with the waitress and she got her own order of french fries.

After some french fries for dinner Callie got her very first birthday cake! She wasn't so sure at first, but after a little taste she was hooked.


Family Pic!

Daddy decided that she had enough cake and took it away.. :( Debo "Nana" took over and helped Callie wash it down with a sip of water, by the look of her face, not so sure she liked that!

Sunday we had Callie's first birthday party at mom and dad's lodge in Blythewood. Thankfully we had this planned because our house is under attack by a terrible smell. Unfortunately we have had some dog pee pee problems and not are replacing our carpets, yay for us. Anyway, back to Callie's birthday party. We had some wonderful friends come and help us celebrate. It was a polka-dot themed party- Callie had her dots on, the food was all circles and balloons to decorate! Pretty easy :)
Emory getting in on the cupcake action

Always the lady, must cross our ankles...

Uncle Alex helping us unwrap the presents

Riding in our new Radio Flyer! She loved it!

Mom, me and Callie
Sweet little Watson!

Four Generation Shot: Seems that we'll never get the two Callie's to actually look at the camera!

Playing with Uncle Bob, please disregard my facial expression, it's amazing what you'll do to get your kid to laugh!

All in all Callie's first birthday was awesome. She is such a great baby and Vaughn and I are truly blessed to have her a part of our family. Now that she is one the question we always get is "When are y'all having another?!" Let's just say- we're enjoying our family of three for now!