Sunday, November 27, 2011

Our Elf Jack!

Usually the Sunday after Thanksgiving our elf, Jack, comes to our house!  He typically brings the girls goodies to get us ready for Christmas, and this year he didn’t disappoint.



They came down that Sunday morning ready to bake our typical Sunday breakfast, biscuits, to see Jack and the goodies he brought!


Pajamas, books, and a Christmas tree coupon!


Chloe was less than amused and really wanted to eat… cheerios had to tide us over until biscuits were made IMG_0425

We spent to the rest of that morning cleaning out the den getting it ready for all the decorations and tree.  Then after naps we headed to the tree lot to pick out the perfect tree.  We managed to get a family shot, although it took a couple tries.  But I love them!IMG_0440IMG_0441

We are loving having Jack in our house and all the mischief he brings!  Hoping he keeps the fun mild, last year he got a little out of control and I had to have a little talk with him :)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Train Ride with Santa

We started off Christmas time with Nana treating us on a special train ride!  We were all excited about going since Callie really loves trains, and plus it was a great new adventure for all of us to go on.  It started out great, the girls loved looking out the window.


We then started to move and Callie was just so excited.  It’s funny how excited she got for us only going at most 10mph


Then, a few minutes into the ride, Santa came! 


He stopped by our table, however Callie was less than excited to get that close that soon with the jolly old man…


Chloe was cautiously accepting of him


But hugs and kisses from Nana brought Callie back to enjoying it again!


The ride was great up until this point, then Chloe hit total. meltdown. mode.  I mean, screaming crying, nothing was going to solve it.  Thankfully I was able to walk to another cabin so we wouldn’t ruin the ride for everyone else.  But we weren’t even halfway through the ride and there was no getting off.  After about 45 minutes we pulled back into the station and could exit.  You wouldn’t believe it, she stopped immediately as we walked off the train, acting like nothing was the matter.  Chloe was happy as can be in the car ride back and even while we ate lunch.  No clue what caused it, but lets just say we won’t be riding any trains with her anytime soon.  While it was a great idea in theory, and enjoyable for a little while, it probably was the last time we did that excursion!

Friday, November 25, 2011

A School Thanksgiving

Callie’s class celebrated Thanksgiving on their last day before the break.  I was asked to come help again, and of course I said yes!  They had all done a pilgrim, and Callie’s was perfect- I’m speculating because I have no idea how it actually is supposed to look, it’s perfect in my eyes anyway


The kids were coming in off the play ground when I was helping set up their “feast.”  Callie was immediately upset that I was there.  She was pouting and not following directions.  This was very frustrating to me, as much as I love helping out, I hate being the cause of any behavior issues within the classroom!  I tried talking with her, but she wasn’t having it.  Here’s all her classmates eating with their hats on, Mac is the only one not wearing hers…


She wouldn’t even look at me, nonetheless smile for a picture.  I went over to her teacher and said I would leave since it was causing problems and just come back when it was time for pick up.


I still don’t know why she was so upset about me being there, she didn’t mind me last time.  Just hoping I can come again and she’ll be okay with it!  Or maybe it’s time for mommy to stop coming to class…. not sure I’m ready for that yet!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Travis and Emily

While we were at the beach celebrating Vaughn’s birthday I got the privilege to take Travis and Emily’s engagement pictures!  I was flattered when asked, and then was terrified of pulling it off!  Since my subjects are usually the girls, I did some research with Emily on what she was looking for.  Here’s a few of my favorites, and as always, picture overload! :


P.S. I love this last one!  Totally Travis’ idea and totally captures their fun personalities!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I wish everything I write on this blog could be about happy, joyful, fun times we share as a family, but that just isn’t everyday life, and this blog is about our journey through life.  This post is about one of those moments in life that you pray you never have to experience and ache that anyone has to go through. 

Sunday, November 13, my cousin’s youngest son, Stevie, earned his angel wings.  He was only three.  While his time here was way to short, the love he shared will live on forever in all of us.

Steven’s smile and laughter filled everyone’s heart with joy.  He was “all boy,” one of my favorite memories of him was throwing sand on the beach, he just couldn’t help himself no matter how many times you tried to get him to do otherwise.  He loved his brother and sister, and was up for anything from playing on the DS to taking care of baby dolls.IMG_1610

We know Stevie will be taken care of in heaven, he has his two grandfathers up there to look after him. (Steven John Rowland) 

Our family is in shock and totally numb right now.  We’re not sure why he was taken from this Earth so early, we’re just trusting that God’s plan is right.  I remember a phrase from the funeral of a friend and old intern, “He accomplished everything God sent him here to do, and it was time for him to go back home.”  This has stayed with me and has given me some comfort with Stevie’s death, I hope it can give others the same.  We are headed down to Georgia Friday to give him the homecoming service this sweet boy so deserves.  Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers, they are heard and felt.

Steven “Stevie” Walter Rowland

"Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." Luke 18:16
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”  Matthew 5:4

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Luschek’s in South Carolina- Part 2

Sunday we headed up to Clemson with Lucia and Jerry- Lucia hadn’t been in over 5 years!  We were so excited to reminisce and get a look at the campus together.  First stop was our old apartment, lots of fun memories here :)

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After a bite to eat downtown and some shopping we hit campus ready to walkIMG_8107 - Copy

These two goobers were great troupers!IMG_8110 - Copy

Callie had brought her camera along and “took” pictures of everything, so getting a picture of us…

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took a couple of tries IMG_8119 - Copy

Jerry had fun in the carrier and woke up for a minute to check everything out himself!  (Seriously, there isn’t an easier kid than this little guy)IMG_8120 - CopyCheese!

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Picture of us in front of the stadium!IMG_8172 - CopyIMG_8176 - Copy

Side note, Callie picked out her outfit this day, as if you couldn’t tell.  She is definitely developing her own sense of style, and it’s very interestingIMG_8184 - Copy

We headed back to the car and then headed home!  The girls were EXHAUSTED and it wasn’t too long  on the highway when they passed out5


The next day we took it easy at the house, since they were leaving the following day, just being with each other was great!  Chloe really started loving having Jerry around… however I don’t know if he was so excited to be pocked and “loved” on!7


We are missing them SO much and hate that we live so far away from each other!  We are making plans for a January trip out to see them.  It makes it much easier to know when we are going next when we leave each other!