Monday, October 6th
Vaughn and I checked into the hosptial at 5:30 that morning to get the induction process started. I didn't sleep a wink, I was so excited and had really bad heartburn (so happy that's over!). They started me on iv fluids and then at 6:30ish Dr. Hanna came to break my water. Contractions started immediately and I was surprised on how they weren't as painful as I had imagined. Well as time went on, I realized that an epidural was the way to go for sure. I received the epidural at 10:30- the Dr. left in the middle of it to put someone down the hall asleep! At 2:30- 3:00 I had only progressed to about 6 centimeters, so that's when we realized that we were in it for the long haul. About that time they switched my iv out to give me something with sugar in it- I wasn't feel so great- and then check me again- I was at 9! So they got me ready and I pushed for about 45 minutes. She needed some help coming out, so they suctioned her head. Next thing I know, they are say "Look down, here's your baby!" I looked and was SO excited to see a head FULL of hair (it was the ONE thing I really cared about my baby having! haha) They then said "It's a girl!" and the water works started down my face! :) Vaughn was great through the whole process, he stayed on his two feet right beside my head. It truly was the most amazing experience that I could have ever hoped for! Here are some pics from that day.
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