Sunday, October 24, 2010

Glowy Chloe

We knew it wouldn’t take long before Chloe had her own nickname, we just didn’t realize it would come so soon!  Friday Chloe had her first Dr.’s appointment where we found out that she was very jaundice.  We knew she was looking a little yellow (Callie was jaundice as well) so we had been expecting to hear this, but not at the level that she was.  The Dr. sent us home with orders to place her in the sunlight and under a UV blanket (which was being sent to our house that afternoon.)  We’ve been blessed that Callie has been so healthy, that this was a huge shock.  Chloe has been on the UV blanket now for a couple of days and we can already see an improvement in her coloring (a follow up appointment stated that she is improving but we much keep her on it.)  The catch is, that she is to be directly on the blanket, no clothing/blankets in the way.  This has proven difficult because we can’t swaddle her and she’s been stuck in her car seat for the last couple of days.  She also doesn’t sleep well at night so momma’s had to “sleep” holding her and the blanket.  The nickname comes from the blue glow the blanket emits (see picture below.)   We know this is only temporary, and so thankful that she’s getting better.  She get’s another checkup tomorrow morning, we’re hoping she’ll be well enough to get off the blanket and just take in some good ol’ sunlight.  Till then, Glowy Chloe will have to do…  



Amy said...

What a cute nickname! She'll be all better in no time, but until then we'll most definitely keep her in our prayers. I hope Callie Boo is adjusting to the split attention well. We can't wait to visit soon!

lucialuschek said...

sweet little girl! I hope the jaundice clears up quickly... she's in our thoughts and prayers :) Love you all and thinking of you often!