Friday, February 29, 2008

Our lab results came in and everything is okay except for my thyroid is not producing enough hormone. The reason this is such a concern is because the thyroid hormones are used to regulate body energy, the body's use of other hormones and vitamins, and the growth and maturation of body tissues. This could lead to fetal development issues. However, there is good news, it is treatable by a pill! So today I went and got more blood work done to check it again and to see where to go from here. Doc said I'll more than likely be put on medication starting next week depending what the lab results say again.

Well the girls at work have dubbed the baby in the womb name as "Baby Jose." Why are you asking? Well that's easy- Baby Jose was conceived in Mexico! Depending on the sex, when we find out, the name might change to "Baby Margarita" if it's a girl. They have also named the child, if it's a boy, to Lucas. Amy D. said the same thing, so we'll see!

Here is Baby Jose below, or the blob, isn't it beautiful! The baby is in the middle between the two + marks.

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