Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bath Time!

We love bath time! Monday we went to the pool, but it was a little too cold for us. So we headed back home and decided to take a bath instead! Callie can stay in the tub forever it seems, or atleast until she gets mad that I won't let her stand up in the tub. So, here are some cute pics of her getting squeaky clean :)

Splish Splash!

Laughing at me saying "NO!" This could be a problem...


Amy said...

So very cute!! My favorite is the second picture...she's adorable! It's been too long since I've seen her! Kiss her for me!

lucialuschek said...

So freaking cute!!! Lulu runs away from us when we try to get her out of the tub... they'd probably have a fun time getting a bath together. Trouble! Hugs and kisses to that doll baby!

Katherine said...

She is a mess!!!! :)

Michelle said...

What beautifull eyes!! She's sure a cutie!!