Sunday, May 31, 2009

Granger Beach

Two weeks ago we took our annual Granger Vacation- you guessed it- with Vaughn's family. Last year we went to Aurba, but not with the little one we stayed a little closer to home, Myrtle Beach. We had a great time having some time off, the month of May was very hectc for us. Callie seemed to enjoy all the attention and didn't like having to come back. We ate lots of good food and mostly stayed by the pool. We did venture down to the beach a couple of times, but Callie slept throught those visits. Overall it was very relaxing and we are looking forward to Rowland Vacation in one week!
Callie getting into vacation mode
Enjoying some sun in the pool, she LOVED her float!
Having a snack with her Granddaddy.

Family Pic


1 comment:

Amy said...

You no longer get my sympathy in the "after-baby body" department...your tummy looks like you never even had a kid! My oh my what I would give to look like that right now! :) Keep up the good's obviously working! Glad y'all had fun, but we wished we could have seen you guys!