Happy Father’s Day to the best father I could ask for for my kids! Callie is definitely your biggest fan, and I love watching the two of you play. Thanks for being so amazing and I can’t wait for you to become a daddy x 2 in October!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Happy Father’s Day!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Home Engineer
It’s official, I’m a stay at home mom!! Today marks the first day of summer and my official first day of home engineering. We made this decision back in March and I didn’t realize how quickly this date would actually get here.
Five years ago, I moved back to Columbia from Clemson to finish out my degree by completing an internship at the Columbia Chamber. I didn’t realize at the time, I would be there doing a job that I would fall in love with, and meet some of the most incredible people. I’ll miss seeing the “Chamber Chicks” everyday, but know a super club, lunch date is just around the corner.
So here’s to my sanity, praying that I keep it with all of these changes heading our way, and to all the wonderful things I have planned with Callie for this summer. New life adventure- here we come!
(Wedding shower thrown by the Chamber for us)
(Halloween Party)
(Annual Gala)
(Meeting Senator McCain)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Two weeks ago we left for Aruba for a Granger family vacation. To be honest, I was very nervous about the entire trip. Not only were we taking Callie- could she eat the food, need shots, how are the hospitals, the long flight, etc.- I’m pregnant and the worries about being away from our doctor. All that being said, I sucked it up and made the journey! Callie did great on the plane ride down and back- such the traveler now! Benadryl really helped us out this time- it’s a four hour flight and with a 1 1/2 year old- that’s an eternity to sit still. But, we made it without a single meltdown.
We arrived that afternoon, too late to go to the pool/beach, but scoped them both out to plot out the next day and then got a bite to eat. I didn’t do well taking pictures the first half of the trip, but I made up for it towards the end. :)
Vaughn and I went for a date night one night to the Flying Fishbone. It was amazing- the restaurant was on the beach and some were even in the water- guess where are seat was- yeap, in the water! So cool. The atmosphere was amazing, food was good but not the best we had while we were there, and the company was perfect!
The next morning Vaughn, his brother, brother’s fiance, and dad went on a fishing trip. They didn’t stay out long since DR got very sea sick- thankfully there you don’t have to go out very far to catch fish. However, the fish didn’t want to be caught that morning. Vaughn was the only one to catch something and it looks more like bait than the catch- oh well!
We spent a lot of time by the pool playing with daddy, and she ate it up. We realized she hasn’t spent that much time with Vaughn since last summer- a whole week straight is something we rarely get!
By the end of the trip, you could say she was something of a “Daddy’s Girl” Callie’s favorite meal was a La Hostaria, an Italian Restaurant, and it was my favorite. It was some of the best food I’ve ever had, and wish we had it’s likeness here! She started out eating like a little lady, fork and all, but decided it was too good to not just shovel it in her mouth- thank goodness for bibs!
I had been wanting to take picture of Mac by the beach the entire trip, so finally, the last morning we got up and headed down to do them. I wasn’t sure how she was going to act, but she ended up being the perfect model! She was so good, I took TONS, so here are just a sample of my favorite…
I also begged Vaughn for a family shot, we rarely get these and I wasn’t going to let this pretty background go!
Overall it was a good trip, exhausting with the entire family and Callie- yes. Am I ready for a mommy daddy trip to someplace like Aruba, you betcha. Next, Callie and I are headed to Washington, D.C. and Gettysburg, P.A. with my parents for a trip. It’s the Rowland Reunion and we are super excited!
I’ve been sitting here trying to decide how to write this post, and I still haven’t quite figured it out… Oliver my first “baby”, my first animal that I called all mine, his mommy. Vaughn gave me Oliver the summer between our Freshman and Sophomore year of college. I had always wanted my own little puppy and Vaughn made that happen with this cute little chocolate face. I remember when Vaughn gave him to me, I was in love instantly. When it was time to go back to Clemson, I cried because I knew he had to stay home with my parents. But every time I came home- he was my little mate, every time I called home my mom would tell him “I’m talking to your Mommy!” and he’d get all excited. As the years went on, I tried to pry him away from my parent’s house, but realized that he was in doggy heaven- 50 acres where he was free to roam and a pond- what more could a dog, but a lab, ask for?!
But two weeks ago, we had to say goodbye to my little buddy. Before we left for Aruba, he got very sick, but though for sure he’d make it through, he always had. But while we were gone, my parents found him, he had passed away during the night.
Oliver was only 8. They think it was caused by a tumor in his liver, but they aren’t sure. Even if he has survived this, the Vet stated they wouldn’t have need to discuss with us his arthritis which was going to be a problem in his near future. So in a way, this might have saved us from the agony of having to put him out of his misery, but doesn’t make the immediate pain of his lose go away.
To say I’m going to miss him is an understatement, he represented so much to me. Yes, he didn’t live with me and I didn’t take care of his day to day needs, but I loved him like he did. He was my first, and loved me unconditionally, and I’ll never forget that.
Thanks for gracing us with 8 amazing years. You’ve seen me go through a lot- Clemson- Graduation, my wedding, and my first child. We love you and we’ll take care of your other #1 girl- B- she misses you too. Love you forever little buddy…
- Mom
Monday, June 7, 2010
And it's a...
We took tons of pictures in Aruba with little Mac, hope to get them up soon :)