Thursday, February 16, 2012


Merriam-Webster Definition of HEAVEN

1: the expanse of space that seems to be over the earth like a dome : firmament —usually used in plural   2: a often capitalized : the dwelling place of the Deity and the blessed dead b : a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God

Callie has always had a great interest in Bible stories.  When she was baptized she received her very first picture story Bible and it’s been a favorite of hers ever since.  Now that she’s older she has started to ask questions like, “Why can’t I see God,” or “What’s Heaven?”  While these can prove very hard to answer at times, we somehow come up with the right words to say to her and it satisfies the curiosity for the moment.  Callie is also very open to speak about Jesus and all the stories in her Bible book and we have regular conversations about each story (it’s been a good little Bible study for me too!).  So it took me by no surprise as we were driving to a friends house yesterday that she brought up Heaven, but even I wasn’t ready for this conversation….

“Mommy, when I go to Heaven I’ll get to see Brown Bear*”    “Yes, that’s right, you will get to see him.”  “When I get older I can go to heaven.  When Chloe get’s older she can go to Heaven too.”  … No comment …. “When I go to Heaven Mommy, I’ll get to be with Jesus, Mary and Joseph.”  “Yes, yes you will….” 

It took all of me to not pull over and take it all in….. So much of that conversation gets me, as I'm sure it would for any parent to have with their child.  Not sure how I’ll handle these talks to come, but I pray the right words will come when they need to!

*Brown Bear is a chocolate lab that the Granger’s had and passed away while I was pregnant with Callie.  Even though she’s never met him, she talks about him a lot and about how she’ll see him in Heaven one day.


Anonymous said...

I am brazilian!!!

wonderful blog!!!

lucialuschek said...

We have had similar conversations in our house too... always strikes me how fearful we are of the conversation, yet they have complete trust and look forward to being with God in Heaven when the time is right. What happens between childhood and now that we can't have that same outlook? Amazing how simple the future seems to them :)