(7 days late)
Happy 1 1/2 Birthday Chloe! You are sitting on my lap right now pointing to all your pictures saying “MA! MA!” (me) and trying to type right along with me. So this post might take a little longer with your help little one :)
Just like your sister, you are a great sleeper. Bedtime is at 8:00pm and you usually sleep until 7:15- unless your sister comes and wakes you up! You still nap for about 2 hours with no complaints, I hope you take one for a while to come!
You are a happy, silly, wide open little one. I love every minute of it!
You love to eat, and eat and eat. There isn’t much that you wont eat so that makes it easy for us.
You are talking up a storm right now and it’s so neat to watch you say a new word every day! Your favorites are: Mommy, Daddy, “Seesee” (Sister- can’t say Callie yet), Doc, Nana, BeeV (Big V), Papa, Dee-At (G-Kat), ees hat (it’s hot), A B Tee (the starting of ABC song), peese! (please), NO! (this you say way to often), I dee! (I see), heeellllp (help! or used for up), and lots of other noises that I know what they mean but maybe not everyone else!
Chloe, you have some allergy issues like your daddy. The weather and change of seasons can effect you greatly. You take baby zyrtec to help and when that doesn’t work were headed to the Dr.
As much as you and your sister love each other, some days look more like this. You are at that age now where sharing isn’t a natural thing and everything is all about you. If I didn’t have patients before, I sure have learned some with you baby girl.
You love water, especially a bath. I can sometimes find that you’ve snuck into the bathtub to play
You still let me put a bow in your hair, thankfully. This doesn’t seem to bother you and I love a sweet bow in a little girls hair!
You love your window down when we are driving the car.
Chloe, you are definitely in the upper percentile in height and weight. Your Dr. appointment is in a couple of weeks, but you are already wearing 2T pieces. I just hope the clothes that I already have for you will last through the summer!
One of your favorite things to do is to feed the dog. I’m usually overseeing this activity. Sometimes, though, I’ll accidently leave the pantry door open and you’ve snuck in to “feed” the dog. You’ll give me this look and say “uh oh…”, yeah, uh oh is right. Trouble maker
You are an on the go girl, rarely staying still for more than a few seconds at a time. Outside activities are usually the best for you so you can run all that energy off!
You can be quite sensitive with your feelings. Especially if you’re not included in something. You aren’t afraid to let us know, were just working on how you express it!
You can point and say nose (nooos), eyes (eeeyyss), mouth (mou), and ears (eer)
Sweet girl you LOVE your daddy, just like your sister. I just love this video of you greeting your daddy, and I die laughing every time at Doc
I know each day is going to bring a new adventure for us and that everything I just wrote about you will be totally different in just a few short weeks. I cannot wait for it all.
Sweet Chloe Vaughn we love you so much and can’t wait to see you grow!