Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Break {Part 2}

We had planned to head home on Wednesday, but the weather was still great and our friend Jill wanted to have a mini vaca, so we decided to stay for a couple more days!  Plus, we hadn’t rocked on the rocking chairs quit enough


One of the girl’s favorite thing to have for breakfast is biscuits with honey.  After seeing bunny biscuits on Pinterest, I thought I’d try them out ourselves.  A little simple way to make everyday biscuits fun!


We took a little time off from the beach and headed into town to one of our favorite gift shops, Callahans.  They have TONS of breakable things on the inside, so we tend to walk around the large front porch where you can find the hermit crabs.


and take a swing in the hammock. 


The girls did a great job being gone for so long, but they were starting to miss home and their daddy.  As much as I love going to the beach, I was a little ready to be back myself.  Even though Vaughn works all day, the few hours in the afternoon he's around to help with the girls is awesome.  We’re already thinking we’ll make this an annual trip, but with Vaughn going next time!   


Mom and Dad, thanks for letting us crash the beach house for the week, can we go ahead and book it for next year?! :)

1 comment:

Katherine said...

i do not trust chloe in your new banner photo. she is up to something.