Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Baby Girl Granger Update!

Today we had another check up to see how Baby Girl Granger is coming a long.  I love going to our doctor’s appointment because we get an ultrasound each time we go and seeing her grow is always amazing.  Everything is progressing in the form of health for both mom and baby.  Baby girl is breached right now though, but Dr. Hanna said there is still plenty of time for her to change her mind and flip.  I hope it’s sooner than latter though!  She is also fairly active and loves to kick my insides, which is a little different from my experience with Callie.  Callie was active but actually kicked “outward” on my stomach, this little girl likes to kick “inward” and let me tell ya, not the best feeling.  Anyway, if baby girl doesn’t turn herself, at around 37 weeks (10 weeks from now- crazy!), Dr. H will try and move her to the correct position.  Our next appointment is again in 4 weeks, we’ll be 31 weeks, not much more time to go after that!  I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going, as happy that makes me, I’m totally not ready for her to make her entrance.  I did go on to BRUs’ website yesterday to see what I needed to get- I even registered for the products to get the discount- HA.  So, in the next couple of weeks I have to finish Callie’s big girl room so this baby girl will have her own room.  We’re making progress, but still a long way off.  No matter what though, all the pre-work never compares to the after-work, but could not compare to the joy it brings us- can’t wait to meet her!

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