Monday, November 29, 2010

Jack comes and Christmas tree!

The Sunday after Thanksgiving is one of my favorites, especially that we now can celebrate with our girls.  We have a tradition that the Sunday after Thanksgiving is when we go get our Christmas tree and decorate the entire house!  IMG_2850

This is also the time that our Elf Jack comes to pay us a visit.  When he comes, he brings the girls a basket of goodies to get us ready for Christmas- our Christmas PJ’s, Dresses, books, decorations, etc.   IMG_2853IMG_2855 Since Jacks arrival, he’s been very mischievous, and this mommy had to ask him to stop!  Since then he’s been much nicer… :)IMG_2857

Callie LOVES Jack this year and every morning she goes and finds him.  “Jack, where are you?!”  She hasn’t quit grasped the fact that he is watching her to make sure she behaves, darnit, but I think she will next year!  We are looking forward to much more Christmas fun in the coming weeks!

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