Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Young Family Christmas

The day after Christmas we headed over to G-Kat and Papa’s house again for mom’s side of the family’s Christmas celebration!  It’s always great to get with family;  Callie loves when she gets to play with her cousin William…   IMG_3387 and when she gets to play with her Uncle Alex!IMG_3389 Chloe got lots of snuggle time with familyIMG_3390 Last year William and Callie had a great time playing on the piano, and this year was no exception!IMG_3399 Love William in this picture, just wish his face was in focus!!IMG_3407 Love this face too :)IMG_3431 Vaughn and AlexIMG_3450 Sweet!  William ran around giving everyone a hug after he opened up their present, super cuteIMG_3459 Alex and Christine    IMG_3465

William gave Callie these super cute face masks, I of course wanted to try them on! 

Kate and MeIMG_3463 Jonna, Kate, Me and Christine with our masksIMG_3466 Once the kids saw us playing with them, they of course had to get in on the action!IMG_3469The loved seeing themselves in the mirrorIMG_3486 IMG_3470 My cute puppyIMG_3475Nose kisses!IMG_3477I love this picture, William was “eating” like an elephant would!  Callie thought it was hilarious, and so did I IMG_3479 We had so much fun getting together!  William is getting a little sister in March and we cannot wait to add another little one to the family- and Chloe will have a cousin her age!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning

Our Christmas started off bright and early, with a 6:30am alarm.  We were having DR & Kelsey and Nana & Big V over for 7:00am breakfast and presents but wanted to have a quick Santa and family moment before everyone arrived. 

It was very early….IMG_3271Had to get a picture of our tree, sorta.  We LOVED our tree this year, it was perfect in everyway, just hate this picture didn’t do it justice!IMG_3265 Looks like Santa did in fact enjoy his goodies!IMG_3257 The “pile”  The girls got a combined pile this year from Santa, from the looks of it, they were good girls!IMG_3258Chloe wasn’t the least bit excited about going down to see if Santa came, we had to move her from the crib to her swing, where she continued to sleep and wake occasionally to watch the action.   IMG_3273Callie on the other hand was super excited to see what Santa brought!  She checked it all outIMG_3278Go figure that she would love the Hello Kitty Band-Aids, she makes up boo boo’s so we have to put them on her nowIMG_3276  Showing Daddy her new blocks!IMG_3282 Chloe “and why am I out of my bed?!” IMG_3284 Callie got some princess dress up shoes.  She has been wearing everyone's shoes lately so this was perfect!  IMG_3285 Shortly after this, everyone showed up and we got to open gifts, and this is the aftermath, everyone got some amazing gifts!IMG_3292IMG_3294 While we were cooking, the girl’s new kitchen was moved into the kitchen where Callie immediately assumed the position!  She has loved her new kitchen, every morning walking in saying “My kitchen!”  It has also been wonderful because she loves to help me cook, which sometimes isn’t very helpful.  so she gets to make her own dinner which she thinks is so great!IMG_3307 Breakfast with Nana!IMG_3302I wanted a quick picture of Vaughn and me on Christmas morning, unfortunately it was taken a little to close, but it works… :)IMG_3305

By 10:00 everyone had packed up and was headed onto their various places to continue the celebration of the day!  We cleaned up what we could, and took a quick nap- we still had a long day ahead of us!

Christmas Night

After opening gifts with G-Kat and Papa, we headed over to the lodge to celebrate with the rest of the Rowland Clan! 

My cousin Andrea with her daughter Sydney, Grandma, Me and Chloe- sharing pictures and story of Christmas morningIMG_3326 Callie was kept busy by Mary ClayIMG_3317 Mac was all over the place having a blast, didn’t know she even liked Ginger Ale!IMG_3322  Coloring StationIMG_3328 Matt and VaughnIMG_3330att and Va Happy Birthday to Papa!  Dad’s birthday is on Christmas, so we always have an angel food cake for him to celebrateIMG_3334 Vaughn and Uncle BobIMG_3351 IMG_3355Russ and Kennedy weren’t feeling that great, so they posted up on the couch for the entire night :(IMG_3362Chloe was pooped, and took a long snoozeIMG_3364She loves her cousins!IMG_3367And her G-KatIMG_3378Towards the end of the night while opening presents, she got really sleep and snuggled up with me.  She doesn’t snuggle much anymore, so I was eating it up!  IMG_3381I love when our family gets together, and were all already looking forward to our annual Rowland Beach Week!

Friday, December 24, 2010

For Santa

We left Santa his cookies, goldfish (Callie insisted) and milk on their new Cookies for Santa plate we made at the Mad Platter.  I like to think that Santa not only loved something other than cookies for his midnight treat, but also that we made him a special plate! IMG_3253IMG_3255  Callie was SO excited about Santa’s impending visit that as soon as we laid everything out, she said “NIGHT NIGHT!” and was off to sleep!  I’m LOVING this age right now, it’s so much fun to see the holidays through her eyes!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chloe- 2 Months

Chloe had her two month appointment where she got weighed, measured, and given shots.  She didn’t like being poked and prodded and especially getting shots.  All that being said, she’s growing beautifully!  I went back to compare her measurements to Callie’s 2 months, and they are almost identical- except for the percentiles!  Which makes me wonder- does the “curve” change in just two years?  I wouldn’t have thought so, but it seems that it has! 

Height: 23 3/4” (86.6%) ~ Weight: 12.9lbs (82.3%)

Head Circumference: 15.5” (62.8%)mailmail2

If all goes well, we'll be back for her 4 month appointment and not before then!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jesus

We got together with the Dupree’s and Helfer’s to celebrate Jesus’ Birthday again this year, aka our Happy Birthday Jesus Party.  Last year was our first time coming together to celebrate only knowing that we would add one baby to the mix, not three!  That being said, we had a house FULL of little ones, and I loved it!

Vaughn and I hosted this year’s celebration and had all plans of making Lasagna Rolls for everyone, but after some traveling hold ups, that fell short and we just ordered pizza.  I don’t think anyone minded though, especially the kids who were having so much fun playing they barely ate!  IMG_6543_thumb IMG_6547_thumbIMG_6551_thumbIMG_6552_thumb

After “eating” some dinner, it was time to open some presents!  Chloe hung out while the other kids tore into their gifts.image_thumb2   Callie got some play-doh, and she wanted to open it right thenIMG_6580_thumb James thankfully got a cool enough toy to distract her for a minute where I could put it away until a later time.  He was such a good sharer!IMG_6590_thumb After presents, it was time for some cake!  Amy and Emory made and decorated the cake and did an awesome job- super yummy!IMG_6600_thumb

Two candle were placed on top for our 2nd annual celebration.  The kids got together to blow them out, but I think Callie was most interested in eating the cake itself!  This was also our best attempt at getting a group picture


Boland finally decided to wake up towards the end of our get together.  We couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a picture of the two littlest ones, I love how Chloe is looking at him and Boland is like- what are y’all doing to me?!

IMG_6623_thumb  I’m a sucker for traditions and I’m so glad we continued this one, squeezing it into all of our busy schedules!  I love these two families and looking forward to many more Jesus Birthday Parties!

** Thanks Amy for taking pictures!**