Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chloe- 2 Months

Chloe had her two month appointment where she got weighed, measured, and given shots.  She didn’t like being poked and prodded and especially getting shots.  All that being said, she’s growing beautifully!  I went back to compare her measurements to Callie’s 2 months, and they are almost identical- except for the percentiles!  Which makes me wonder- does the “curve” change in just two years?  I wouldn’t have thought so, but it seems that it has! 

Height: 23 3/4” (86.6%) ~ Weight: 12.9lbs (82.3%)

Head Circumference: 15.5” (62.8%)mailmail2

If all goes well, we'll be back for her 4 month appointment and not before then!

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