Our Christmas started off bright and early, with a 6:30am alarm. We were having DR & Kelsey and Nana & Big V over for 7:00am breakfast and presents but wanted to have a quick Santa and family moment before everyone arrived.
It was very early….Had to get a picture of our tree, sorta. We LOVED our tree this year, it was perfect in everyway, just hate this picture didn’t do it justice!
Looks like Santa did in fact enjoy his goodies!
The “pile” The girls got a combined pile this year from Santa, from the looks of it, they were good girls!
Chloe wasn’t the least bit excited about going down to see if Santa came, we had to move her from the crib to her swing, where she continued to sleep and wake occasionally to watch the action.
Callie on the other hand was super excited to see what Santa brought! She checked it all out
Go figure that she would love the Hello Kitty Band-Aids, she makes up boo boo’s so we have to put them on her now
Showing Daddy her new blocks!
Chloe “and why am I out of my bed?!”
Callie got some princess dress up shoes. She has been wearing everyone's shoes lately so this was perfect!
Shortly after this, everyone showed up and we got to open gifts, and this is the aftermath, everyone got some amazing gifts!
While we were cooking, the girl’s new kitchen was moved into the kitchen where Callie immediately assumed the position! She has loved her new kitchen, every morning walking in saying “My kitchen!” It has also been wonderful because she loves to help me cook, which sometimes isn’t very helpful. so she gets to make her own dinner which she thinks is so great!
Breakfast with Nana!
I wanted a quick picture of Vaughn and me on Christmas morning, unfortunately it was taken a little to close, but it works… :)
By 10:00 everyone had packed up and was headed onto their various places to continue the celebration of the day! We cleaned up what we could, and took a quick nap- we still had a long day ahead of us!
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