Yet again, another month has passed way to quickly and now my sweet little baby is already 1/2 a year! What an amazing 6 months this has been for you and for us.
It seems that you knew your birthday was here and decided to hit some milestones within the week. You started sitting up, holding your own bottle, teething, and got your new big girl car seat.You still love to eat and so far you’ll eat just about anything. I’m still making your food for you and you seem just fine with that. You also love a good bottle, especially now that you’ll hold it on your own!
You are totally in love with your big sister, and I can totally see why- cause I am too. She makes you smile any chance she gets, hands you your paci if it’s been dropped, climbs in your crib to entertain you, protects you from strangers by making sure they don’t get too close, and also comforting you when you are upset about something.
You love sitting up or being on your stomach now. You sleep on your stomach with your head laying on your lovey. I know crawling isn’t too far away. You can do a 360 on your stomach and wiggle around to get places .
You have also added “dah dah” to your sounds, not sure if this counts in my book, but it does in your daddy’s. So yet again, he gets the “first word.” I blame all the names in our life that begin with the letter D. Callie thinks it pretty neat that you’re talking now, and now our house is FULL of talking girls- your daddy is in for it!
It’s amazing how much you have grown in just a short six months, and I know all to well that in another six months you’ll change that much more. I also know that we’ll have tons of fun along the way! Happy Birthday Sweet Chloe, here is to another happy, wonderful, amazing six months!
When can I babysit?
She is so beautiful Erin... can't believe she's already 6 months!!!
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