We finally had a “free” weekend so I decided to fill it up by taking the girls to Clemson! Apparently I don’t know how to take it easy on a weekend, I have to be doing something, and going to Clemson this past weekend was perfect. The girls went to Clemson earlier this year with me, but this was Chloe’s first game and Callie’s second. Vaughn wasn’t able to come with us since he had to work on Saturday, so my parents were a HUGE help and made the trip possible for us. We got to Clemson late Friday night after Boo @ the Zoo. I had hoped they would sleep the entire way, but Callie wanted to play 21 questions the. entire. way. so that didn’t exactly turn our like I had hoped. We woke up the next morning in good spirits and ready to cheer on the Tigers! The game started at 12:00 so we tried to get to tailgate a little early, snacks kept our little crew going strong.

We headed in and lasted at our seats for the first quarter. These two are used to watching “daddy” football from the living room where they can run and play- not so easy to do when you have lots of neighbors seating close..
Chloe was over it, the sun was in her face and it was lunch time…

I decided that we would walk around a bit and settled on some "lemonade ice cream.” They loved this and kept them busy for a while longer
I then texted mom for assistance, we were about to meltdown- needing food, drinks and naps.
Callie on the other hand met Alex, a family friend of ours son and she was immediately smitten with him. Seriously. Obsessed. She was even too shy and goofy to take a picture with Alex for me. This girl has a thing for older boys, it’s cute for now, but makes me REALLY nervous if this continues…. 
I took Callie back in for the third quarter, but as soon as we got to our seats she was asking to go see Alex and G-Kat. So to keep her seated for at least a quarter we played find the Tiger, cheerleaders, flags, anything to keep her occupied. After all those attempts wore off, we headed out for Callie to play at the tailgate. Mom was so great and let me go back in and sit with dad. It’s not too often I get to go to a game, so I took advantage of her offer! After the game, I took Callie to see some other friends of ours at their tailgate. While we were there we ran into the Godfrey’s! Brady and Tyler have two cute boys around the girl’s ages. Preston and Callie hit it off and had a great time playing with each other.
Seriously adorable…
After quick goodbye hugs we headed back to check on Chloe
We passed by the tiger and HAD to get a picture of Mac beside it. On her first trip to Clemson I took a picture of her sitting beside it, and wanted to re-create it, she’s gotten so big!
When we got back Chloe was going strong playing but we knew we didn’t have too much longer before they would need dinner and then an early bedtime. We stayed for a few more minutes, few more pictures then headed back to the apartment for much needed baths and quiet time! 
We had a GREAT time spending our weekend in Clemson and with my parents. I probably won’t take the girls back into a game for a few more years. That’s fine with me, just being there at a game to see friends, family and be in a sea of orange is a perfectly good time for us!