Friday, July 29, 2011

Perfectly Not Perfect

Rarely are my kids, and myself for that matter, completely put together. Someones hair is usually in their face or needs a good brushing, that said face usually has leftovers waiting to be wiped off, and our outfits have a nice stain or two on them.

But I love the stories that come with all of that. Were usually running so fast that who has time to fix their hair, or were enjoying our food and might as well wait till it's over to wipe the face and stains come with us living our life without regret.

We might not be perfect in someone else's eyes, but my family is perfectly not perfect in mine.

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I’m an Aunt!!  Well, sorta.  Kelsey and DR are the proud new owners of the cutest puppy- Grady!  We were so excited to meet the newest Granger, and so was Callie.  It took a little while for her to warm up to him, but then she wasn’t about to let the little guy go!  She escpecially loved the fact that he fit in her lap- she is STILL talking about itGrady

Doc was also interested to meet his new cousin, and excited to know that he was not staying with us- he got a little jealous of all the attention he got! IMG_6541IMG_6544

The “Sleeper” IMG_6548IMG_6550

Grady escaped to his Daddy for a minute, it’s a little overwhelming with our crazy crowd!IMG_6552

Grady is so stinking cute, and you know the best part?!  We get to love on a cute little puppy, but we don’t have to worry about training or anything!!  ha  Welcome to the family Grady Granger!

Callie 2 3/4 Pictures

While taking Chloe’s 9 month pictures, Callie tagged along!  I had given her the option of going to Mother’s Morning Out, or going with me to take Chloe’s pictures, she chose to go with us- YAY!  She was so sweet and I of course loved getting some shots of her.  Happy 2 3/4th’s Birthday Mac!


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Baby Jerry

Welcome to the world Baby Jerry, we’re so glad you’re here!!  Your mom says that your big sister Lucia loves being a big sister already and that you’re a perfect fit for their family.  I can’t wait to meet your sweet face! We love you little Tiger!

Gerald (Jerry) John Luschek
July 26, 2011
7 lbs 6 ozs ~ 20 inches


Monday, July 25, 2011

Grocery Trip

I usually hate very much dislike using the big racecar grocery cart since it is just SO massive.  Some days though, I need an easy quick trip through the store so I’ll grab it.  (Callie likes to dilly dally with just about everything, not a hurried bone in that girls body, and shopping tends to take a minute longer with her in tow.)  This particular day the girls were being extra sweet to each other and I wanted to remember these two sweet faces like this forever.


Chloe’s Nine Month Appointment

Chloe had a GREAT 9 month Dr.s appointment.  I tend to have mixed feeling about going for a few reasons: cements them getting bigger/older, shots, and usually a couple of things I’m not doing/need to start doing.  This visit was no different.  It confirmed that baby girl is 9 months, but is the size of a 12 month old. (at least).  She got one shot, HepB, but cried very little- thank goodness because I hate seeing that face so sad!  I also found out that sweet little big one was taking too much formula.  Yes, apparently I missed the memo to slow it down a bit when I added food- OPS- I don’t think she minded, but were cutting back (our bank account will appreciate it too).  I was also informed that I need to stop being lazy, I’ve been giving her bottle to her in her bed to let her fall asleep.  Yes, the ease of her holding the bottle was just too easy and got the better of me.  The downside is that she’s now having trouble getting settled for naps, since this was her “paci.”  Were working on the transition, I guess its payback for me trying to take the short cut!  Overall though she got a great report and if all goes well, we won’t be back until her 12 month, 12 MONTH!!!!!, appointment.

Height: 30” ~ Weight: 23.6lbs ~ HC: 47.5

The Dr.s office always gives us a sheet of information when we leave of what to expect in the next couple of months, things we need to start doing/avoiding, etc.  One was safety: safety plugs in electrical sockets, lock cabinets; fence stairways at top and bottom if child has access to either end.  I felt that we were WAY beyond this since she loves electrical sockets, cabinets and stairways- all of those “safety” items have been checked off our list for a while!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Lemon Face

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Pancakes for Dinner

One of my favorite things for dinner is, breakfast food. A little backwards, but I love it! I was in the mood for some OHOP and decided why not go for dinner!

We got a treat this trip, chocolate chip pancakes, heaven. Callie loved them too, didn't even touch her eggs or bacon- ha!

Chloe enjoyed her breakfast dinner too, having bacon for the first time. I later panicked over if she was allowed bacon yet... She was fine so I'm guess yes...?


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Friday, July 22, 2011

The Front Door

Ever since we moved into our house the front door has been a gathering place for all our little ones, dog included.  Since it’s very busy with walkers, walkers with dogs, runners and cars, there’s never a dull moment at the front door.IMG_0937(Doc on move in day)

Chloe especially is obsessed with the front door.  I usually can find her standing there looking out.  Side note, I need to Windex the door now, it’s terribly messy with all the little hands and noses that have pushed up against it!IMG_6558IMG_6562


Vaughn was on his way to work and I attempted to get a picture of these two, none really turned out, but I love this one.  They are ALWAYS doing something similar at the exact same time….IMG_6572

Thursday, July 21, 2011


At Ulta...

This is getting out of control...

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When Daddy's Away

When Vaughn goes on a trip, he usually gets bombarded with pictures of the girls. Since he was just in NY for a fall buying/selling trip, he wasn't left long without a new pic of one of his girls!

The only way to get Callie to wear a ponytail is to tell her Daddy wants it that way cause it's his favorite. So now every time Mac gets a ponytail we have totals a pic and send it to him :)

We miss him when he's gone and LOVE when he comes home!

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy 9 Months Chloe!

Seriously, how can you be 9 months old already?!  I can’t believe you’ve been a part of our lives for 18 months, I can’t imagine life without you in it!  To document your big day, we went down to the Horseshoe on USC’s campus (yes Mom, USC) to take some pictures.  It’s the second time we’ve  gone there to take pictures (Callie’s 2 yrs were taken there) and just like last time, we had our share of melt downs.

Turns out, Miss Priss doesn’t like to touch grass…9 Month Photos1

So we moved you to the walkway where you much happier!  Chloe, you are not afraid of letting us know when you aren’t happy about the situation you’re in.  You have this nagging whining shaking our arms move- quite funny really- when you want/need something.  IMG_6397

You still LOVE your big sister and will crawl to wherever she is.  Callie normally doesn’t mind all the attention you give her, however, sometimes get upset when you mess with whatever she’s playing with.  We’re working on sharing, for both of you, and know it’ll come at some point (hopefully).IMG_6399

You are no longer on puree foods, and I’m thankful for that.  After 4 1/2 months of making your food, I was over it.  You now eat everything we do, just in little bites!  Your favorite is lunch time, you eat every. single. bite.  Your lunch usually includes: sliced chicken, cheese, strawberries, and graham crackers.  You didn’t love meat in a jar (can’t blame you) but you now love it.IMG_6514

Chloe you are now crawling so quickly we have to almost run to catch up!  You’ve taken to cruising on the furniture now.  I know that walking isn’t far from your future and as much as that excites me for you, I’m not ready for such a big girl move!  Callie, however, will be more than excited for this.  Y’all play hide and seek crawling around- she’s so ready for you to run around with her!IMG_6515

Your tongue is out often.  Seems that your two little teeth can’t keep them in your mouth just yet. :)  You now have a couple of sounds words that you share with us often: Dadadadada (Daddy), Naaanaahh (No), Dokdok (Doc).  You’ve yet to try the Mmmm sound for Mommy- I’m trying real hard for it too!   IMG_6502

Last night I was thinking about something you were doing and if Callie had done that at this age.  Then I had a moment of realization, why am I comparing the two of you?!  I made a promise to myself that I would try VERY hard to never compare the two of you any more, y’all are both your own little person!IMG_6508

I will however, dress you alike for as long as I can… Sorry it’s just too darn cute not to.IMG_6471

Chloe we all love your silly laugh.  It sounds more like clearing your throat  than laughing sometimes, but it’s hilarious and contagious!  Also, we’re not really sure what color your hair is still.  Sometimes it looks brown, others red, and then others like a strawberry blonde.  There’s still time for it to decide, and if you’re like me, you’ll color it anyways ha  IMG_6500 You are loving climbing up stairs, but then tend to fall down them when going down.  And since we have a two story, baby gates can be found everywhere for your own good9 Month Photos2Chloe you are the more go with the flow kid and usually find happiness with any situation (expect for today when you were breaking down moments after I placed you somewhere.)  I hope that the next 9 months will be just as wonderful as these last ones have been.  In just 3 short months you’ll be 1, and no longer our little baby, hard to believe.  Thanks for all the fun Chloe Bug, We love you!!!

9 Month Photos